The hotel we stayed in had such beautiful architectural accents and this incredible mirror opposite the elevators.
The detail was amazing . . .
After settling into our room, we went down to the lobby bar for a bite to eat, to tide us over until dinner. While sitting there, I noticed this pretty chandelier hanging from a cove ceiling, painted blue with gold accents.
The shrimp cocktail was delicious and sat on wonderfully flavored greens. Very refreshing!
Painted details are everywhere; the columns were stunning!
Our last night there, we walked to Flagler College, where they allow you to enter the lobby and take photos. Here is a photo of the main entrance of the college during the day:
All my pictures here were taken with my iPhone, so the evening pictures are not as defined. However, I'd like to share a few photos of the college lobby, here.
Stairs leading up to the female dorm rooms:
Lobby rotunda:
Some of the detail found on lobby walls:
The female guard encouraged me to slip into the ladies room to see more. This is a portion of what I found:
Back to the rotunda before we left . . .