I'm working with this Kona Bay panel and created a wall hanging for Asian Fabric Magazine, the magazine published for Kona Bay Fabrics. Along with the wall hanging will be a coordinating throw that will blend with the panel. I'm going to attempt to do some fabric origami on the wall hanging. It will be my first time doing origami of any kind. I thought it would be neat to incorporate the 3-D - look of the origami, adding visual texture to the piece.
I picked up the book, "Origami Rings & Wreaths, A Kaleidoscope of 28 Decorative Origami Creations", by Tomoko Fuse, to use as my teacher. I'll be using up to 3 of the designs created in the book. Tomoko says, "The simple and clear instructions are so easy to follow that even absolute beginners can make units in a few steps without confusion." That comment alone would be why I bought the book.
One day, I hope to take some time and use paper to create some of these unique pieces. There are some great sites on the web where you can buy packages of different origami papers. And WOW!, are they gorgeous.
If you've ever done origami, please leave a comment and let us know how you liked it and what you created from paper or fabric, using this unusual craft.