Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcome To Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour!

I hope you're enjoying the Blog Tour as much as I am . . .

My block is: Groovy, block #633.

You can find it on page 38 of Quiltmaker's Summer 2013, Volume 7, 100 Blocks magazine (I LOVE this magazine!). The magazine will be on newsstands by May 7.

I was honored to be asked to make Amy Butler's Alchemy Quilt: her free PDF quilt on her website. Here is an image of the quilt I made, hanging in Amy's booth during Fall Market, 2012.

Quilt designed by David Butler, using Alchemy collection by Amy Butler for Westminster/Rowan

At that same time, I came up with this idea of using strips of her Alchemy fabric collection in an easy foundation paper piecing block and submitted it to Quiltmaker for their widely successful 100 Blocks series.

Are you enjoying the blog tour so far? I hope so!

I'm giving away 3 copies of the current 100 Blocks magazine (1 copy directly from Quiltmaker, 2 copies from me, and giving away more this summer!). To enter to win, please let me know what your favorite type of quilting is by leaving a comment, below:

Is it piecing? Or, perhaps, using a special method, such as foundation paper piecing or applique (hand or machine)?

AND . . .

I sure would love it if we became friends on Facebook or Twitter, follow my Facebook Fan Page, follow me on Pinterest (I've just switched my personal page over to my business page, so more quilt-related items will be coming!), or sign-up for my SuzGuz NuzLetter through my Contact Us page! I've met so many wonderful people across the country and around the world and you make such an important difference in my life! :)

Enjoy the blog hop! And thanks so much for stopping by!

Winner Announced Monday, May 6th, 2013


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Eva said...

I love your block, so well named. Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

Sandra said...

Good name for your blocks. Just seems to be so appropriate. I am just a simple patchwork quilter. Sometimes it is scrappy; other times it is controlled. This blog tour just really entices you so much. So many talented designers; so many creative blocks. You really want to get motivated and start making these blocks. But, you need to win. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of QM 100 Blocks, Volume 7.

Sandi Timmons

Deb said...

My favorite is needleturn applique but I love to design and piece blocks. Paper-piecing is another favorite. Too many!

Kristen said...

That looks like a fun block! I think my favorite is needleturn applique but I also love blocks and quilts I can piece quickly (especially using precuts). Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love pieced scrappy quilts.

Loralynn said...

Cute block! it would be adorable done with scraps. My favorite is needle turn applique. I'm kind of obsessed with it lately.

Robin T said...

I love hand appliqué. My very favorite part of the quilt process is picking the fabrics and design to stitch. Thank you for the chance to win the 7th volume of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks.

Maryjo said...

I like your block...and the colors you used! I just love working with scraps...with my machine:) Congrats on making it in the magazine!

QuiltLaughLove said...

I can't wait to try your block - scrappy circles... There isn't a better combination. I love both. I'm a new quilter so don't yet have a fav method. I'm having a blast trying them all!

Annie said...

My favorite part of quilting is piecing traditional blocks, but with contemporary prints and colors.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I like all kinds of quilting techniques, although I'm not especially crazy about paper piecing. I love this magazine, and can't wait to get a copy!

Lori S said...

Well named. I enjoy the machine quilting part of the process the most. Thanks for the chance to win.

Cathy B said...

I love to piece, not a fan of applique or maybe I am afraid to get started. ;) Great block, congrats on getting in the magazine! thank you!

Deb said...

I really enjoy piecing.

sandra said...

My favorite part is piecing. Would luv to win a copy of the magazine ... thanks for the chance!

Denise :) said...

Darling block ... just darling! I think I've connected to you in every way you listed!! :)

Susan Stanton said...

What a colorful and fun block! Thanks for the giveaway too.

darlene said...

My favorite method is piecing but I enjoy applique and embroidery, too.

Karyn said...

I like blocks/quilts that ultimately use a combination of methods! Thanks for sharing, I'll be back to visit again!

bairdmtn said...

I have to agree-your block is pretty Groovy! Used to use that term a lot when I was young! A girl that played on my softball team used Groovy in every sentence I think! Love your block! It is a happy block and I LOVE happy blocks!!

Margaret said...

I love paper piecing. You can be so precise with this method and dont have to be precise cutting out your pieces. I follow you on twitter and facebook

Unknown said...

I am a foundation paper piecing fan. I'm currently working on a red and white pickle dish, my favorite pattern.

Darlene B said...

I love piecing! Sure wish I could spend more time quilting and less time at work :)

Mom2Caleigh said...

My favorite (subject to change :-) is paper piecing. There are so many ways I am anxious to learn more!!

alaskamarge said...

I love to paper piece. Can't wait to try the new patterns in Volume 7. What a pretty block you sew.

Unknown said...

Since I'm new to quilting, I would have to say piecing. I really like your block. Congratulations on getting in the magazine.

Sandi1100 said...

I love your block!!! I'm more of a piecer but do applique has a hand project while watching tv or traveling. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of the magazine. I have all the other volumes.

Diane said...

I love paper piecing. Thanks for the giveaway.

Tammy said...

My favorite types of quilting are scrappy and crazy quilting. I love unique creations.Full of color

kathy S said...

How Groovy to become friends on FB. Love the block!

Marie Atkinson said...

Your block is very imaginative! I am enjoying the blog hope very much!

Lisa said...

I love your block and I really like paper piecing!

Kate said...

What a cute block- love it!

Gena in Dallas said...

Your block is so unusual! I enjoy piecing of traditional blocks but have begun to broaden my horizons by joining a Modern Quilt Guild. Your block is my idea of modern...and perfect! Thanks for the chance to win.

Lee Ann L. said...

I like piecing! Congrats on getting into the magazine!

Gill said...

I like piecing best!

Susan at Youth For Music said...

My favorite kind of quilting is when Lynn Buske comes to town and teaches a class. I come away with new skills & am refreshed with the glow of human loveliness after a day with Lynn, her exceptional daughter, Shelli, surrounded by their delightful quilting companions, delicious fabric & fine chocolate.

Catskill Quilter said...

I love your block! My favorite kind of quilts are those that combine piecing and applique,and if embellishments are added, even better!

Anonymous said...

I love the color selection and then hand piecing - but do machine piece for speed. Like the quilt in Amy's booth. Cindy W. at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

sandy said...

I am a faily new quilter so only have done piecing but plan on trying all the techniques before I'm fininshed. It is so much fun.

Lou said...

Love the block! I have been drawn more to circles and hexies this year so that would be an awesome quilt block to make a quilt out of!

Martina said...

Great block! I love applique but also paperpiecing, oh I think a little bit of all,lol!

hueisei said...

I love scrappy quilting :)
I love your block.

Unknown said...

So glad to have found you and love your block. Congrats."Groovy" brings a smile and I would love to use it. MY favorite form of quilting is, well, any type of quilting.I am always learning and open to new techniques.I hand and machine quilt, machine piece, restore, applique, paper piece and foundation quilt. I am no expert but so enjoy trying everything.

Beth said...

My favorite way to quilt is simply piecing, although I'm gathering up my courage to give paper piecing a try.

I just signed up to receive your newsletter.

Anonymous said...

I love to string piece

Unknown said...

I really like machine applique. Also I have been painting blocks for a special quilt. Love your block!!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Very nice block. Good twist to the traditional. My favorite quilting process is piecing with a scrappy modern style.

Cecilia said...

Cute block! I love to piece and I've recently learned to love appliqué. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine. I've become a follower of your Facebook page.

Sheree said...

I am just now starting to really enjoy hand work. I have been working on Grandmother's Flower Garden and just love how easy it is to take with you and work on just about anywhere!!!

SewLindaAnn said...

Love the quilt you did for Alchemy, I would have fallen over if Amy Butler wanted me to make something! I love this magazine too, I have them all.

cynthia said...

I am a scrappy quilter who really likes string piecing, so your block looks great to me!

Donna Joy said...

Piecing is my favorite so far, and I love the modern quilts and yours is just another one for my list.
I signed up for your Nuz letter.

SewLindaAnn said...

Forgot to tell you my fave piecing method is paper piecing. I'm much more brave with complicated designs. Sorry for the 2nd post.

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

I love your blocks! So much fun!

I love doing patchwork & paper piecing!

MissPat said...

What a colorful block. I enjoy piecing and paper piecing. I like to use bright primary colors for baby quilts and florals.

BizyStitches said...

Love your block and congrats. Thanks. I enjoy piecing and using the design wall to view the layouts.

~Kris~ said...

Cute block. Can't wait to see how you made it. I love hand appliqué. Wish I had more time to do it. I am already a Facebook friend.

Anonymous said...

groovy is really groovy, thank you.martamanole@yahoo.com

Suze said...

WOW! Great eye candy for inspiration. I love your block. Congrats on having it selected for the publication. I immediately recognized you as a "friend." I always adore your quilts in the magazines I purchase.
Now, as for me, I piece by machine most of the time. I do have a project for a hand pieced (not EPP) Grandmother's Flower Garden. The one my mother hand pieced and hand quilted was stolen and it had never been on my bed - long story. In things I acquired from her many stashes, I found a few pieced blocks, some cut and bagged blocks, and fabric definitely designated for the project. So, I hope to eventually "replace" that quilt.
Thank you for your generosity in the giveaway. I wil be follwing you - somewhere.

Lisa England said...

I enjoy everything about making quilts and I'm especially fond of paper piecing. Love your block!

Barb Johnson said...

I guess that my favorite method is plain old machine piecing. I'm not much of an applique girl, and I have never been successful with paper piecing. but I love watching how a block comes together from all the pieces.

Unknown said...

love your block... I love applique... but anything that uses scraps grabs my attention too. thanks

Jocelyn said...

I really think I love the piecing aspect of quilting. It's like putting a puzzle together. It is really my therapy :-)

Karen said...

My favorite is piecing. Love to strip piece and chain piece. Very zen.

Koricard said...

My favorite is machine piecing but I also enjoy handpiecing and foundation paper piecing.

Donna's Quilts 4U2C said...

I like piecing best, but have make a couple of paper pieced quilts that I have really liked. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have found your blog. My favorite method at the moment is paper piecing!

Jody said...

At the moment I'm enjoying mindless strip piecing!

katiedidit said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love most of the steps of quilting. If traveling, I like the handwork. At home, the sewing machine comes out. I've been dabbling with foundation piecing lately. Looks promising!

Pam said...

I have been doing more strip scrappy block designs lately! Love your Groovy!

Gwen said...

I love, the feel of fabric, and it is
fun to see what you can do with it.
Especially hand applique.

Jolara said...

I just love your blog and your quilt patterns. I have to say that my favorite quilting technique is traditional and paper piecing. So happy to have found you through the Quiltmaker's Blog Hop. I am now following you on both Pinterest and Facebook. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Tamsyn said...

Great Block. I love machine piecing, but also enjoy the challenge of applique.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

My favorite is Needle Turn.

Anonymous said...

I love hand piecing.

Becky said...

I love machine piecing blocks. Thanks so much!

Sharon said...

My favorite form of quilting is Machine Applique, especially on a pieced background.

teachpany said...

I am about to try foundation piecing, so I'll let you know if I like it, lol. I do enjoy the design phase, piecing, and machine quilting.

Kathy L said...

I love all aspects of quilting. Thanks for the chance to win.

barbara woods said...

i love making blocks thanks

barbara woods said...

i sent you a friend request thanks

Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

Great block. I love scrap quilts! I love piecing. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

The Spiritual Existential Nihilist said...

I'm feeling a pull toward applique. Still exploring!

Nancy said...

I love foundation paper piecing a lot! Also hand piecing.

47lilpolock said...

Interesting use of fabric. I like it. Thanks.

AnnieK said...

I enjoy just plain 'ol piecing blocks by machine the best. It's my therapy, lol!

AnnieK said...

Following you on Twitter! #akendalltweets

AnnieK said...

Following your Pinterest boards, too! (anniegram09)

Unknown said...

What a fun block. I like piecing. I want to try paper-piecing but just have not found the right pattern and material yet.

tlcala4me said...

Still learning a lot of things, and haven't met a 'type' of block piecing that I didn't end up enjoying. I haven't done any curved piecing yet. And my first quilt is ready to be quilted, by me, as soon as I figure out how I want to do it.

Anonymous said...

Currently I am thrilled with hand-piecing small hexagons into grandmother's flower garden blocks. I cut my hexagons with a template and marked the seams and connect them with running stitch and find the process remarkably relaxing. Electrical tape is wonderful at protecting the skin on the fingers receiving the needle as you still need a degree of sensitivity to locate the needle whereas a normal thimble would not be effective. I am very grateful to yourself and all the quilters who share their techniques and are ready to teach others for it's such a lovely activity. :)grace55(at)hushmail(dot)com

Alberta Diane said...

I love traditional piecing best. Thanks for a chance to win!

PJB said...

My favorite quilting is probably applique, but I have made several traditional including king sized log cabin and radiant star and one Picture Piecing. Congrats.

JoyceLM said...

Great block - thanks for sharing. I love traditional piecing, but I also enjoy paper foundation piecing. And this year I plan to learn how to applique. Thanks for the chance to win.

Nancy S. said...

My favorite technique would be Back Basting Applique. Its a method that you don't have to cut out the pattern pieces. I also love strip piecing.
Thanks for the chance to win a prize.

Sandra said...

Favorite type of quilting is, anything that is fast and lets me get it done! I do enjoy all aspects of quilting, especially hand applique and hand piecing, but my time restrictions keep me from doing much of these type of quilting. Enjoyed seeing the quilt you made. Thanks.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I love all types of quilts and quilting - variety is good for me!

Mary said...

My favorite type of quilting is pretty traditional but I use my Modern tools. Sometimes I use Marti Michell Templates and my Go Cutter to make fun quilts for my family to enjoy. Thanks for submitting a nice block for Volume 7.

Emily C said...

I love applique. Thanks for the chance.

Christine Slaughter said...

I love piecing blocks best. So far. hahaha!

NewSooz said...

As a teen in the 60's, I really like the name you chose. And it is groovy. My favorite techniques are piecing and paper-piecing. I've done some fusible applique, but I'm really interested in trying needle turn applique.

Anonymous said...

Nice block, I like patchwork. Congrats and thanks for a chance to win.

Rolyn said...

Lovely block! I love hand applique, it's very soothing for me. Also enjoy paper piecing, but really just enjoy ALL quilting.

Angelia Lanouette said...

I am a new quilter have found that I really enjoy hand work.....English Paper piecing, applique, quilting and binding. Beautiful block...thank you for sharing!

Joanna said...

I think I like to do both piecing and applique, although I seem to do more of the former. I love Groovy. It's cool;-) I liked you on facebook.

Suji said...

Love the block...am new to blogging.

Rebecca said...

I am really drawn mostly to pieced blocks - I love the traditional look, but that I can update it with fun and funky fabrics. I also enjoy playing with "stack and whack"; the kaleidoscope effects are so fun!

Kathy H said...

Beautiful quilt and the block is so cheery with the leftover fabrics. I like to paper piece the most but mostly do piecing for the types of quilts I usually make. Learning how to applique so that is becoming a favorite as well.

Victoria M. said...

What an interesting block. I love the use of fabrics in it.

My favorite type of quilting to do is applique.

I liked you facebook fan page:)

Nita said...

Machine Piecing, hands down. I get frustrated beyond belief by paper piecing!

Jeanne said...

I love to do peicing. Thanks for the giveaway.

Vivian said...

I enjoy applique, I find it relaxing. Cute block!!

Tinliz said...

My favorite type of block is traditional striped pieced.

Teresa F. said...

Congrats, your block is awesome. My favorite is traditional piecing but I also love needle turn appliqué.

Michele said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

I like handpiecing the best-- so relaxing and portable.

However, I am doing more machine piecing these days.

Quilt Monkey said...

Great block! I love piecing, particularly foundation piecing, but any kind really. I love it when everything matches up just right! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

My favorite type of quilting is hand applique - especially flowers. Congratulations on your block!

Shirlsu said...

Love, love, love this scrappy block! Thanks for a chance to win.

Joan H. said...

I enjoy machine piecing but like to hand quilt when I can. Nice block !

Kylie Carlson said...

I have a soft spot for strip piecing and blocks like Disappearing 9-Patch where you sew things together then cut it into pieces then sew them back together again!

Claribel said...

My favorite is machine piecing. I am starting to get into foundation piecing. The blocks are so precise without all the hassle of precise cutting. So beautiful!

Vicki H said...

I like machine piecing best and then hand sewing binding. Thanks for the chance.

ritainalaska said...

like your block, love the curves! i like all the tehniques of quilting, but prefer applique and all the prep work that leads up to a block and quilt.

SandyPA said...

I like machine piecing, then doing the quilting with free-motion quilting. I've decided to call my FMQ "folksy" because it is definitely not perfect. But it is fun!

Back Porch Extras said...

I love your block and the way you laid it out. I really like paper piecing too. Congrats on having your block in Vol 7.

Unknown said...

crazy Quilting! The history and eclectic mix of colors and textures. Story of my life!!!

carla said...

Hi!!! Your block is very pretty and unique!!!! I am very new to quilting!!! But I am so far enjoying piecing!!! I need a lot more practice!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!

WYO Di said...

Piecing, paper and machine!

jean said...

i love scrap quilts. usually i do a planned scrappy quilt, for instance i'll use all shades of blues against white, or mix shades of greens and creams. Its fujn!

Rebecca Hayes said...

Love applique although I am fairly new to it. Lots to learn but love every minute of it!!

Jeanne in Ohio said...

My favorite is patchwork piecing.

Robyn said...

My favorite is applique. I just love the pictures it creates.

joanold said...

I love machine piecing, the more pieces in a block the better I like it!

BJ Coleman said...

My favorite quilting technique is strip piecing or string piecing. I like to experiment this style on all the older KS Star blocks. It is always exciting to see the outcome! HOPPIN to win!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy piecing and it's limitless possibilities.

JANET said...

I love to applique. It gives me something to do while watching mindless TV.

Unknown said...

Nothing is better than machine piecing on my vintage Featherweight. I just love the purr of the steady sewing...it's so relaxing to me.

Linda said...


Back Porch Extras said...

I love machine appliqué and then freehand. I love my Bernina 830 and try to use all the stitches I can. Congrats on having your block in Vol 7.

Jinnine Pearce said...

I love piecing and really enjoy paper foundation piecing when I tried it. There are many techniques I haven't tried yet so plenty of fun in store for me.

WoolenSails said...

I love your block and a fun one for young adults. My kids are always asking me to make them some. I love doing applique the most and I do a lot of hand sewing, still perfecting my machine skills.


apple blossom said...

I'm new to quilting my next one is going to be Paper piecing see how it goes.

Peggy said...

I like piecing by machine.

Julie said...

My favorite is machine quilting and have done some machine applique. I have your Amy Butler pattern on my to-do list. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

My favorite is foundation paper piecing.

Gloria said...

I am a traditional quilter loving piecing on the machine. I love scappy quilts the best and your block zings!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

I love to piece traditional blocks. I like the challenge of making sure everything matches and I really like to see the blocks come together and then the final quilt top.

Unknown said...

My favorite is applique, or maybe paper piecing, or maybe . . whatever I am working on at the moment!!! :-)

LJ said...

Great block - I love the circular pattern of it.

Rachell said...

I am a traditional quilter who enjoys fun new twists to traditional blocks. I really enjoy paper piecing, thanks to Peggy Martin's Quick-Strip Paper-Piecing Method.
and yes, I'm really enjoying the blog tour!

wendy said...

I am having fun on the tour. My favorite is just regular piecing, nothing fancy.

Lynda said...

I do mostly hand sewing and currently am working on a small cathedral window.

Pat S. said...

My passion of the moment is applique. I love anything quilty! Thanks sew much for this chance to win :-D

Marcia W. said...

I like to make pieced quilts. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this great magazine.

Sher S. said...

I'm glad I found you, love your block and I did send a friend request for Facebook. Thanks for a chance to win the magazine.

lauraluvsloons said...

Great idea for your block. My favorite block is applique and piecing with a touch of hand embroidery.

Sallie said...

I prefer piecing, but I'm working on applique and have several more applique projects planned. Thanks for sharing, FB friend!

The Village Queen said...

I like applique the best as I suck at piecing no matter how many classes I take! Thanks for the chance!

Bernie said...

I love to piece blocks.

Jennifer said...


Tami C said...

I am still a beginner at quilting and as yet have only done piecing. I collected fabric for years, but waited until I retired last year to make my very first quilt. Whenever asked what I was going to do when I retired, the answer was QUILT, and that's what I'm doing. Well, actually what I'm mostly doing is piecing. I want to learn applique and paper piecing. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Right now I'm piecing and striving for those elusive scant l/4" seams, working with challenging designs. It's interesting!

JillB said...

Piecing gives me so much pleasure to watch cut pieces align and come together to make such beautiful designs. I also like the exactness of paper piecing.

Anonymous said...

I like your block! I'm always trying to use up scraps. I'm "in" for ANY raw edge quilt project: Rag quilts, Bull's Eye, floral. I also love to make chenille and t-shirt quilts. Guess my taste is more eclectic than I thought.

kt said...

Cool block! I like plain piecing, and really enjoy working with scraps. Thanks for the chance to win!

Brenda J. said...

This looks like a great paper piecing block for lots of bright scraps! Beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jackie C said...

Love the alchemy quilt, and love the block too!!

Lizzie said...

I am fairly new to quilting. I enjoy making table runners because they make a great gift and they are easier to quilt on my machine. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

Steph said...

I like piecing. I'm eager to try some string blocks, but haven't done so yet. I like your block, but curves still scare me a little bit.

Amy said...

I love your block! My favorite type of piecing is traditional piecing, usually with tons of pieces, but paper piecing is a close second. I tend to switch back and forth in order to mix things up and not get in a rut. Thanks so much for creating beautiful new blocks for us to enjoy!

Kd Brown said...

Definitely foundation paper piecing is my favorite type of quilting technique.

Lavonna ZWB said...

I love crazy quilting for I save nearly every piece of fabric. I like making beautiful things out of what others would throw away.

Anonymous said...

My favorite type of quilting is paper piecing or crazy quilting.

Maureen said...

Your block is wonderful! I love doing applique & paper peicing is a close second. Thanks for a chance at the give-away!
mgw070 at shaw dot ca

tpott said...

Piecing is my favorite thing to do, I also love to hand finish the binding on the backs of quilts.

Lostrivernurse said...

what interesting blocks...very different but fun!

leanne said...

love your block - I've just discovered circles and curves so I'll be sure to try your block :) thanks for the giveaway too !

Gwen Wehner said...

I enjoy several techniques. Mostly machine piecing - I love the accuracy of foundation piecing. But lately I've been drawn to hand applique. Go figure!

eloidastitches said...

I love handstitching, the piecing,applique, and quilting. And therefore I love quilts that combine pieced units and applique.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy piecing traditional blocks, using today's bright colors and designs.

Unknown said...

I am new to quilting but stars are my favorite both pieced and paper pieced.

Aby Dolinger said...

I love strip piecing. I always admire your quilts in McCalls Quilting! Carry on ...

Unknown said...

I like to piece but also love doing applique.

Laura said...

I am a piecer! I love blocks with lots of pieces. Assembling the units for a block is my favorite part of the quilting process.

Congratulations on having your block selected for volume 7!

Kay Ahr said...

My favorite block-making technique is foundation paper-piecing.

QuilterLaura said...

I guess I would say paper piecing, probably because I am using this method now, and it's turning out great! Thx for the chance to win!

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

I like machine piecing the best. But am opened to try paper piecing. Thanks for sharing your block with us.

Mary Arline Smith said...

"Congratulations!" I have so enjoyed visiting you. This is the
second time I have participated
in this blog tour. What a great
opportunity to meet you! and become acquainted.

Betty said...

I have tried different techniques, but machine piecing is my favorite.

Gatorwomn said...

My favorite is piecing, but I am just getting the hang of applique and am loving that, too.

Sandra said...

I love doing applique. Will be learning needleturn applique next.


Nancy said...

I have tried so many but really like Bethany Reynolds' Stack N Whack technique.

Cathryn said...

I like to do piecing. It relaxes me and I can see progress. Quilting is a fun world to belong to.

Anonymous said...

I love to do machine piecing but have just started doing foundation piecing and am enjoying that, too. I've tried hand applique and have done a fair amount of machine applique. jsabol@min.midco.net

LeeAnn said...

I LOVE to machine piece! It is therapy for me!

Cindi said...

What a fun block. Congrats on being in the 100 Block issue. I look forward to these special issues. So much inspiration.

Roberta said...

Piecing of course

kwiltnkats said...

Foundation Piecing...I prefer leave in instead of tear out paper! Sandi

Marie Anne said...

Great block! Great colors! I love piecing but am always ready to try paper pieced and appliqué.

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