Although I am not on the blog roster for today, I thought I would round out the week by giving away another Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Volume 3 issue today and tomorrow, so please check back tomorrow, as well!
I received such nice messages from everyone yesterday, on how well they liked the block. Thank you very much! One thing I really enjoy is designing new quilt patterns, new blocks, and especially, new applique blocks.
My block called: Hearts Bejeweled, Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Volume 2 |
When I first tried applique, I wasn't that great at it. In fact, I was pretty lousy. But there was something about the process of applique, that I had to keep trying until I got it. It's rather cathartic! I'm still not where I would like to be, but for a self-taught girl, I'm pleased with what I can do. It takes time and patience, and if you're a first timer, please be easy on yourself. Pat yourself on the back for trying! And remember: we've all been there, feeling the same feelings of wanting to get it right.
When you get a moment, please look at my blog post from yesterday and click on the image of my block. Notice that my polka-dot circles are not perfect. The thing is, I'm okay with the little imperfections. However, I do strive to continually challenge myself, and that is probably a strong reason why I enjoy applique so much. There always seems like room to grow. :)
So my block called Bertrand's Arrows really isn't as hard as it looks.
Bertrand's Arrows, Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Vol. 3, Image compliments of Quiltmaker Magazine |
If you've never tried applique, I challenge you to try it, if applique is something you've ever been interested in. Besides, if you have any questions, I will gladly answer them for you. Simply leave me a message in this thread, or e-mail me through my website under my "Contact Us" tab.
Today, I'm giving away another issue of
Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Volume 3! All you need to do is leave a comment here, and sign up for my
NuzLetter, which I am resurrecting, this Fall! I'm so excited to write again, and I'm planning some new and interesting topics.
Leave your comment, below, and sign up for
my NuzLetter through my website . . . it is THAT simple! And I look forward to our newfound friendship!
Tomorrow's topic will cover a few layout ideas on how to use my block. Enjoy the tour, and happy quilting!